Monday, November 23, 2009

Green Orchid Fashion Hats

Interview with Elsa Estrada

Q1: What is the name of your business?

Elsa: Green Orchid

Q2: What interests you in fashion?

Elsa: Being able to create something that can enhance the beauty in someone, even a little thing like a hat.

Q3: Is there any specific reason that pulled you to making these fantastic hats?

Elsa: My favorite movies growing up were all movies with glamorous women that looked so perfect with their little hats. I wanted to be them and when I tried to create my first hat. It came natural, easy and relieving.

Q4: How did you get started in your industry?

Elsa: I just kind of started making them.

Q5: Do you have a website or store that sells your accessories?

Elsa: Well, I do most of my sales at festivities in Portland I like the personal input you get from events like those, but I sale them on (another project I work on) and internet custom order.

Q6: Do you have a fan/customer base with your consumers?

Elsa: Yes, I guess I do :) a lot of people once they have one they will always come back for more :) and a side project I work on is Blank Pages Zine. A zine that is distributed throughout Portland helps get all my side projects and name out there, we have blank pages fans.

Q7: What is the price range that you charge for your hats?

Elsa: Well, I wanted kids to be able to buy them too, I remember being a kid and wanting cool things but they always cost so much well my price range is $20 to $45 [mostly] and when you custom order it’s all in your hands.

Q8: What is the demographics that your accessories targets? And, or who are your customers?

Elsa: I hit the Goths, Psychobilly[s], Rockabilly[s], Sub Cultures out there mostly due to my morbid take on hats but every now and then I get the cute little old lady who can't put it down, it's surprising and nice. :)

Q9: When did you start making and/or designing hats?

Elsa: Oct 31 2007 for a devil costume

Q10: How much work is taken in making each hat and do you make custom orders?

Elsa: They can range very differently but mostly average around 2 and a half hours each or more. I stopped making my own bases to help in the time management, but I still hand sew it all together and create each of them all differently.

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