Incubating inside the temperature-controlled vessel for three days, our mother monster burst out onstage to perform her number one single Born This Way. The performance was undeniably outstanding.
Recently on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Gaga described the vision of Born This Way as follows: “Essentially it's about being able to know that when you were born you weren’t just born in that moment, you have you're entire life to realize the person that you're potentially going to become, and whoever you chose to be was part of your destiny – its never to late to harness your confidence and your inner superstar and say I WAS BORN THIS WAY”
Finally! A celebrity who stands up for what she believes in, and doesn’t give a flying fig about being scrutinized in the media. Love her, or love to hate her, you simply cannot deny she is a superstar. The most recent Vogue cover girl is a daring fashion icon. No shoe is too high, no idea is too wacky, and all bets are off at the Haus of Gaga. Lady G. and her team of “Creatives” have seamlessly integrated high fashion, art, and music as a lifestyle.
Gaga has transfixed a generation with her boundless creativity. A Gay-right’s advocate, and voice for those who were bullied for being “too weird”- Lady Gaga has let her freak flag fly. Inspiring individuals around the globe to do the same.
Don’t be afraid to let your inner superstar shine! Pull out your highest-heels and bop around because baby you we’re Born This Way.
photocredit- https://twitter.com/#!/ladygaga
photocredit- solestruck.com
By: Kayla Rekofke
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